Friday, September 26, 2008

Young ladies learn the discipline of saving money through AKA programs

By Jada Mumford

Kinston, N.C. - The Kinston High School Young Women’s Empowerment program welcomed Mrs. Jennifer Howard, Chief Executive Officer for the Greater Kinston Credit Union.
Howard provided a plethora of information concerning the importance of being disciplined in saving money and not incurring debt by obtaining credit cards. She provided the young ladies with a bag of materials on how to establish a savings account and how to maintain a good credit rating.

Some of the young ladies also attended the Teen Fest, sponsored by Lenoir County’s Young Women Outreach Center this summer. The teens attended workshops on self-esteem, exhibiting independence, teen pregnancy, and gang violence.

Soror Camille Braxton gave a presentation to the young ladies on etiquette and proper attire for different social settings. The students were completely engaged and asked very relative questions.

To culminate this activity, an evening at the Broken Eagle was indeed a joyous occasion that exposed our young ladies to one of Kinston’s finest eateries.

Photo by Jada Mumford

Camille Braxton gives a presentation to KHS females during a presentation on etiquette and proper attire which can be implemented at various social settings.

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